Measuring Energy Efficiency and how do we do it?
IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol) is the protocol that defines a standard-based approach for best practice when qualifying potential and actual energy savings.
The protocol provides 4 different options to verify the results of energy efficiency projects.
This ensures that, following the protocol procedures, data is accurately measured and analysed, to ascertain and report energy savings within a system or a whole facility.
When carrying out a project feasibility and identification of savings, our approach of measuring, computing and reporting follow the principles of transparency, completeness and accuracy as described in the protocol.
This systematic approach from Clearworld guarantees that predicted savings are achieved and properly reported when delivering an energy efficiency project.
We can help industry and organisations to achieve their efficiency objectives by professionally supporting the decisional phase and showing how goals are met after the project implementation.
Our energy manager Sara Pierantonietti is CMVP Certified by the AEE Association of Energy Engineers.