Case Study

Moto Energy &
Carbon Reduction




The UK’s leader in motorway service areas Moto have carved out a reputation for providing excellent customer service.

They are committed to energy and the environment and have implemented many initiatives to support this. Clearworld were engaged to conduct an extensive overview to establish any additional best practise and further reduce energy costs.


We initially surveyed the existing equipment and installed some temporary sub metering to understand the operation in further detail. Further site visits enabled us to comprehensively understand how the site was operating and where there could be room for additional energy efficiencies and overall system performance.

After gathering all information and collaborating with the client, we proposed a plan that the client accepted to deliver the following solutions:
Intelligent & Smart controls
Localised Energy efficiency optimisation
HVAC & AC Equipment integration and upgrade
Refrigeration Performance


We were able to deliver additional cost-effective energy solutions savings that made use of some of the existing assets, together with the implementation of new initiatives that achieved up to 72% savings in some areas, yielding a reduction in costs of circa. £9,890 per annum.

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